Mr. Mauzy's Blog


Matt Mauzy, My Love

04 Jan 2019


       I started my college career as a Computer Networking student not long after I moved to Missouri. I wanted to by the guy who was crawling around in ceilings and behind walls laying cable and setting up the networks we all use today. Then a little after I got my Associates degree I was bored one day and decided to try something new that would send me down the path that I am on today. That something just happened to be computer programming tutorial in the back of a magazine, it showed...

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Matt Mauzy, Chaos Theory

18 Dec 2018

       “Chaos theory, in mechanics and mathematics, the study of apparently random or unpredictable behaviors in systems governed by deterministic laws.” (Britannica, 2018) I know what you are thinking, that sounds like my everyday life. One reason that the world is so unpredictable because it is just so complicated and there are just too many variables to keep track of. What if I told you, what you wear next Saturday could change the world as we know it. This is one of the ideas of Chaos Theory, one popular example and most well-known is called the ‘butterfly effect’ where a...

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Matt Mauzy Fractals Nature

13 Dec 2018

Now, I would love to talk to you about fractals that are found in nature and why I find them so interesting. Most people think of fractals as cool designs on album covers or famous artwork, but it is so much more. I love any kind of math that you can apply and see in the world around you and fractals is one that makes it easy for us. Fractals are basically a never-ending pattern that looks the same if you zoom in or out of the object in question. Here is a picture of an example.

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Matt Mauzy, Euler's Circuits

05 Dec 2018

For my first real post I would like to talk about something near and dear to my heart, math (don’t run away just yet). To be more specific, Eulerian circuits or Eulerian cycles, which seems like a simple topic at first, but it really is interesting when you dig in. Eulerian circuits are a branch of graph theory where you have a finite graph, you pick a vertex and traverse the graph only visiting an edge and vertex once except for the vertex you started on, that one you will land on twice (As shown in the image below).

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Matt Mauzy, Computer Programmer, Launches Site

03 Dec 2018

This is my first post to my GitHub pages. Still feeling my way around.

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